Schlowy Customs
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Our customisation philosophy

Only the finest and best designed equipment survive the conditions, environment and distances in Africa. Therefore we don't cut corners to save a buck. At Schlowy Custom motorcycles we make the best all terrain motorcycle possible - its that simple.

A Schlowy Customs motorcycle is build to stack the odds in favour of the well-prepared Trans African motorcycle tourist.

Its not about inventing the wheel, merely perfecting it.

The ability to transcend the unexpected is hardwired into every Schlowy Customs machine.


Motorcycle customisation
Why Customise
Even the best motorcycles are built for average conditions - Africa is not average.
What do we Customise?
The entire motorcycle, no further preparation necessary for that adventure tour
How do we Customise?
Dismantle, inspect, replace, upgrade, individualize, rebuild.
motobike alarms and tracking